Upcoming Events

Painting the Backlit Portrait with Caroline Nelson
A 3 Day Atelier Live workshop with Caroline Nelson.

Figurative Painting Composition with Louis Carr at Scottsdale Artists’ School
In-person workshop with Louis Carr at Scottsdale Artists’ School.

Painting the Portrait Workshop with Ruth Fitton
A 3 Day In-Person & Atelier Live workshop with Ruth Fitton.

Painting from Life: Session 45
Welcome to East Oaks Studio Painting from Life; join us as we paint from a still-life setup and answer any audience questions on technique, products, business, and more.

Sky Dwellers: A Bird Still-Life Workshop with Grant Perry
A 4 day workshop with Grant Perry as he shares his approach to painting birds, from start to finish.

East Oaktober: Week 2 - Still Life Challenge
Still Life, Still Deadly: A Still Life Challenge

East Oaktober: Week 1 - Mastercopy Challenge
Finding the Spirit Behind the Painting: A Mastercopy Challenge

Painting from Life: Session 44
Welcome to East Oaks Studio Painting from Life; join us monthly as we paint from a model or setup and answer any audience questions on technique, products, business, and more.

Telling A Story: Narrative Portrait Painting Workshop
Telling a Story: Painting Portraits with Narrative Workshop with Tina Figarelli

Painting from Life: Session 44 (Canceled due to inclement weather)
Welcome to East Oaks Studio Painting from Life; join us monthly as we paint from a model or setup and answer any audience questions on technique, products, business, and more.

Painting from Life: Session 43
Welcome to East Oaks Studio Painting from Life; join us monthly as we paint from a model or setup and answer any audience questions on technique, products, business, and more.

Day 20: Painting in Layers — III
Are you at your wits end? The final three days, we'll combine techniques from the past month into one painting, paying particular attention to balance between the topics.
Materials List:
The same model from the previous day, or a photo taken under the same lighting/angle
8x10” to 11x14” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes
A smile, because you just finished East Oakstober 20 Day Challenge!

Day 19: Painting in Layers — II
Are you at your wits end? The final three days, we'll combine techniques from the past month into one painting, paying particular attention to balance between the topics.
Materials List:
The same model from the previous day, or a photo taken under the same lighting/angle
8x10” to 11x14” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes

Day 18: Painting in Layers — I
Are you at your wits end? The final three days, we'll combine techniques from the past month into one painting, paying particular attention to balance between the topics
Materials List:
A model (a family or friend), or yourself
8x10” to 11x14” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes

Day 17: Mark Making
Stop fussing! Today, you’ll put your brush down after each stroke — or else. Learn to make your brush mark count by thinking ahead.
Materials List:
New still life set up, try to find objects with texture and shine. We will be using metallic objects and fur pelts.
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes

Day 16: Stool of Shame
Keep your distance! Even an easel needs personal space; we get lost in detail when we stand too close. Today, we’ll find the big picture, and a stool will restrict proximity to our panels. We’ll paint a flower on a small canvas to up the fear factor.
Materials List:
A flower
A chair to block your path
5x7” or 6x8” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes
Day 15: Impasto Syndrome
Conquer your impasto syndrome! Today we're encouraging everyone to use at least half a tube of (ideally cheaper) paint. This demonstrates the value of thick paint while overcoming the fallacy that control only exists while painting thin.
Materials List:
New still life set up, ideally something chunky like bread or the insides of a pumpkin
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Medium/large brushes, and a palette knife (if you dare..)

Day 14: Opposite Day
Head to the other side with East Oaks Studio. Working from a model, we’ll start a painting using our non-dominant hand. Halfway through, we’ll use our dominant hand to exercise fixing a drawing. Remember: perfectionism is a mistake!
Materials List:
Model (a friend or family member) or yourself
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes

Day 13: Edges — Design & Simplification
Are you on the edge(work) of your seat? Today's challenge is double trouble. We'll work towards a partial master copy while learning to control hard and soft edges.
Materials List:
Pick your favorite from the 6 images provided
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes

Day 12: Brushes — Big & Small
Broaden your minds! Two East Oaks artists will approach the same piece, each using only large or small brushes. We encourage you to use a size you’re not comfortable with!
Materials List:
New still life set up, or use the same one as Day 11
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Either all large brushes or all small brushes

Day 11: Brushes — Hard & Soft
Don’t brush with death! Two East Oaks artists will approach the same piece, each using only hard or soft brushes. We encourage you to use a bristle you’re not comfortable with!
Materials List:
New still life set up
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Usual painting palette colors
Either all hard bristle brushes or all soft brushes

Day 10: B&W to Color
Are you imagining things? Today we’ll practice translating a black and white photo to a color painting, working from our minds and inspiration images.
Materials List:
Use your own B&W image or a B&W image of a favorite painting of yours
A colored image of a painting you’d like the color harmony to look like
5x7” or 8x10” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Your usual painting palette colors
Variety of brushes
To save reference images:
Mac: Control + click mouse + “Save image as”
Windows: Right click + “Save image as”

Day 9: Color Study — Unexpected Combos
Don’t get spooked by these suggested pairings! Today we’ll practice mixing secondary colors, moving into a new realm of paint combinations.
Materials List:
Pick your favorite painting to copy
5x7” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
White, green, orange, and violet, and black
Pairing example:
Viridian green, cadmium orange, manganese violet
Small/medium brushes

Day 8: Color Study — Taming the Primaries
Make peace with cobalt blue, and other bold primaries, in today’s challenge. We’ll focus on creating neutrality with high chroma colors.
Materials List:
Pick your favorite painting to copy
5x7” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
White, any high chroma red, yellow and blue.
Suggested pairings (please use what you have)
Wide range: cobalt teal, quinacridone magenta, cadmium lemon yellow
Mid-range: cobalt blue, cadmium yellow, alizarin crimson
Limited range: ultramarine blue, cadmium red medium, naples yellow
Small/medium brushes
Day 7: Color Study — Pushing the Zorn Palette
Push the Zorn palette past its comfort zone! Learn how to use a limited palette that leans vibrant, not tonal.
Materials List:
Pick your favorite painting to copy
5x7” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
White, yellow ochre, cadmium red or vermilion, ivory black
Small/medium brushes

Day 6: Live Models — Staging & Lighting
Work from the living, not the dead. Today we will stage and light a model, then complete a color study of the composition.
Materials List:
A model (friend or family member), a mannequin, or yourself
5x7” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Your usual palette colors
Medium to small brushes

Day 5: Drapery
Don’t fold under the pressure of drapery — today we’ll use a phantom model to study grace and dimension through textiles. Don your cloaks and the materials below!
Materials List:
Medium to large fabric/cloth
8x10” or 9x12” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Black and white paint, can also include your colors from Day 3 Grisaille if you wish
Variety of brushes

Day 4: Alla Prima
Don’t let your inspiration decompose. Keep work fresh by practicing alla prima — creating completed works in a single layer.
Materials List:
Your same still life set up days prior, or use a new one if you wish
8x10” to11x14” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Your usual paint colors
Variety of brushes

Day 3: Grisaille — Warm & Cool
Resurrect your tones. A grisaille is a monochromatic tonal study — Today, we will get you comfortable using neutral warm and cool paints to help it come alive.
Materials List:
Your same still life set up days prior, or use a new one if you wish
8x10” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Black, white, transparent oxide red, ultramarine blue
Variety of brushes

Day 2: Value Study
Are you scared of the dark? Today we’ll use black and white paints to create a small value study.
Material List:
Variety of still life objects
5x7” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper
Black and white paint
Medium to small brushes