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East Oaktober: Week 2 - Still Life Challenge

Conjure your courage and join the challenge! Three challenges in three weeks, with weekly livestream Open Critique Sessions for an opportunity to receive feedback on your work.

+ Complete all three challenges for a chance to win a special prize - to be announced!

+ Second week’s challenge: Still Life, Still Deadly: A Still Life Challenge

Set up a still life of your choice, the spookier the better! Find inspiration and guidance from last year’s East Oaktober livestreams.

+ Submit images of your painting and still life setup from this week’s challenge for a chance to receive feedback from Louis Carr, and guest artist, Erica Arcudi. Then tune into the livestream on Monday, October 21, 2:00-3:30pm Eastern Time to participate in the Open Critique Session, or watch later in your own time.

Based on the number of submissions, we will offer as many critiques as we can within the 1.5 hour Critique Session. Thank you for the overwhelmingly positive response!

+ Materials List:

  • A variety of still life objects

  • 8x10” to11x14” panel, canvas, or oil painting paper

  • Your usual paint colors

  • Variety of brushes

+ Follow and tag us on Instagram and connect with others participating using the hashtag: #eastoaktober

+ Join our YouTube channel for free content

+ Subscribe to Atelier Live, our paid platform, for access to our complete library of live and recorded workshops from today's leading artists |

October 14

East Oaktober: Week 1 - Mastercopy Challenge

October 28

East Oaktober: Week 3 - Portrait Challenge